Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The End of A Relationship

The people of Israel were set to leave Egypt. (Ex 13:17-22) They were marching out on God's terms. God led them around a possible confrontation with the Philistines (I Cor 10:13) because he knew the people of Israel would flee back to Egypt for protection if faced with war. They needed to learn that Egypt was not their protection but God was their protector. He led them to the Red Sea which looked to be a dead end and possible recapture by Egypt. The parting of the Red Sea was really the division of a relationship. God wanted to end the relationship between Israel and Egypt permanently. He knew they needed to leave their old life behind. Can we see a message for us here? When we accept Christ as our Savior we need to leave our old life behind which means we need to sever some relationships to do that. We need to practice this in our lives daily as our faith to solely depend on God grows. There will always be times in our christian life that we need to lay aside things that are preventing us from moving forward for the Lord. (Heb 12:1-2)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

About Us

We all have visited websites and seen the tab that says "About us". We expect to be able to find quick info on the owners of the website and some background or their vision for the site. The more I thought about this little phrase "About us". I began thinking about our society today and how we can make everything "about us". It is so easy to wake up in the morning and climb out of bed and immediately think about our day and what WE want to accomplish for the day. I have to remind myself that it is never about what I want to accomplish today or even tomorrow. It is about what God wants to accomplish through us. If it is always about us we can never know if what we are doing for the Lord is really just that or what we want to do on behath of the Lord. It should never be about what we want to do for him but what he wants to do through and in us. We need to be sensitive to God's voice and direction. It is not always about right or wrong but what's best! God knows best (Jer 29:11)! Many times we don't (Prov 21:2).

Monday, May 31, 2010

The cost of Freedom

I was thinking while sitting in church yesterday as we watched video about veterans. The cost of the lives lost over the last century. You begin to realize that most of the lives lost were very young lives. It leads me to think not just of lost lives but lost potential too. What would these young people have accomplished in their lifetime?
The loss of life and potential is enough but then I began to think of the fact these young people could have possibly given their soul too (Matt 16:26). We can begin now praying earnestly that the young men and women serving around the world will find Christ. We need to convey to these young people that we admire their service to our country but we need to make sure they don't have to give their soul. I know that our government does all they can to prepare these young people physically and mentally to go to war. I just wish that there is some way we could prepare them spiritually too.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Live Like you are Dying

"I was in my early forties with a lot of life before me
when a moment came that stopped me on a dime
and I spent most of the next days looking at the x-rays,
talking about the options and talking about sweet times.
I asked him when it sank in that this might really be the real end
how’s it hit you when you get that kinda news man what’d you do

I was finally the husband that most the time I wasn’t
and I became a friend a friend would like to have
and all the sudden going fishin wasn’t such an imposition
and I went three times that year I lost my dad
well I finally read the good book and I took a good long hard look
at what I’d do if I could do it all again

Like tomorrow was a gift and you got eternity to think about
what would you do with it
what did you do with it
what did I do with it
what would I do with it?

I went sky diving
I went Rocky Mountain climbing
I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named fumanchu
and I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter
and I gave forgiveness I’d been denying
and he said someday I hope you get the chance
to live like you were dying".

By Tim McGraw

I was driving down the road the other day and this song came on. I can’t say I am a country music fan but it made me think of God’s Word. God’s Word tells us to die to self daily. The key line in the song above is found in the chorus. “Someday I hope you get the chance to live like you were dying…… We have that chance by dying daily to self as God asks of us in his word. I understand what the song says from an earthly perspective. I certainly don’t discount being a better husband or friend. I just think as Christians we need to have an eternal vision (Matt 6:19-21). Hopefully we learn this early on and have the chance to live our life as a testimony to Christ (Phil 1:21). In this song above he describes this exciting new life he found because he faced death and it made him appreciate life. I say we should live our lives excited about what God can do through us because other people are watching and we should want people to have a chance to know the exciting new life in Christ (II Cor 5:17) that we have found. Simply said we do have a chance to live like we are dying!