Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Look at People -Vision Part 1

Let’s start by saying if we want to know God’s view on man then we need to open his Word.

People say that Love is Blind but God’s Word I believe teaches just the opposite.

Let’s start with blurred vision by searching the passage found in Luke 10:25-37.

The story of the Good Samaritan is known around the world by many even by those that are not Christians.

• Let’s look at three examples of Blurred Vision

Luke 10:30-Thieves- saw robbed, beat and left for dead
Root Problem-Lack of Love
Symptom-Vision Problem- Blind
Result- Saw no value in man’s life

Luke 10:31-Priest- Saw and went out of his way to avoid
Root Problem-Lack of Love
Symptom -Vision Problem- Distorted Vision
Result-Could not see the need in man’s life

Luke 10:32-Levite-saw,looked and still ignored
Root Problem-Lack of Love
Symptom-Vision Problem- Near Sighted
Result-Could not see any hope for this life

• God’s View is found in the Samaritan

Luke 10:33-Saw and had compassion
Vision-Saw the need
Result- Moved to action

Luke 10:34-Went to him and helped with the need
Vision- Saw he had to go to him
Result- healing began

Luke 10:35-He took care of the immediate need and made promise of future needs being met.
Vision- He saw the needs in the future
Result- The need was met completely

It is clear the Samaritan is a type of Christ himself.

Christ sees us as that man in the ditch (our righteousness are as filthy rags, we can’t get out of the ditch on our own, if left to ourselves we are certainly doomed). Christ came to get us out of the ditch but that was not enough for Christ. He picked us up, cleaned us up and provides for us each and every day. Take a closer look at this Samaritan and you will see that he promises to come back and pay off the final debt.

Praise the Lord our Savior is not finished yet. He has only made the down payment on what he intends to finish one day soon.

You see the little verse we all learned when we were kids is really true.

John 3:16-For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

This is why I know that real Love is not blind! He saw our real need and came to us when we could not go to him.

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