Monday, March 9, 2009

Science verses Morals-Stem Cell Research

Deuteronomy 28:1-48

I am not a scientist but I believe I am a rational thinker. Our government is now making decisions based on falling behind other countries.

Obama warned of the risks of falling behind other countries in scientific research by keeping in place government restrictions on funding.

"When government fails to make these investments, opportunities are missed. Promising avenues go unexplored. Some of our best scientists leave for other countries that will sponsor their work. And those countries may surge ahead of ours in the advances that transform our lives," Obama said. "But in recent years, when it comes to stem cell research, rather than furthering discovery, our government has forced what I believe is a false choice between sound science and moral values. In this case, I believe the two are not inconsistent."

We are setting aside the moral influence for the argument of staying a leader. I say we were world leaders because we chose in the past to put right above short cuts. As I watch the evening news now I see our government daily making decisions based on short sided views that will cost future generations. If you were to read Deuteronomy 28 above you will see a sad commentary of where we are as a nation. The Lord has blessed our nation because of our obedience but Americans seem to think we are above failing. We are treading on dangerous ground right now. We are surrendering our convictions and we can see where this will lead in the later verses of chapter 28. I pray that we as a nation will realize the destructive path we are headed down.

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