Monday, March 2, 2009

A Look at Circumstances-Vision 2

Ex 3:4-8 Num 13:17-33 Num 14:1-9

We have looked at what distorted vision does when looking at people (see: A Look at People-Vision I). Let's now take a journey down a different road called circumstance. The people of Israel looked this square in the eye as they approached for the first time the Promise Land. Moses was told by God in Ex 3:8 of a great land that he was going lead the children of Israel too and give them in spite of who occupied the land. God told Moses in great detail who would be there so they would not be surprised. Let's pickup the story again in Number 13 with Moses sending out the spies. These twelve men were told to go and report what they find. Caleb & Joshua came back and reported a true report with details about the enemy. The other ten were afraid and this fear distorted their view of the circumstances. These men in Num 13:33 said that the Children of Israel were like grasshoppers in the sight of their enemies. They were looking through their own eyes and seeing the circumstance. Think about what they were saying they could have said we look like children to these men and maybe that would have a more accurate view but no they said grasshoppers. Caleb stilled the crowd and told them let's go now and possess it. He knew even through seeing the circumstance that God had made a promise. Caleb & Joshua begged the people of Israel not to rebel against God and allow their circumstance to defeat them. The Lord rewarded Caleb for his great clear vision by giving him and his ancestors that very land. See Num 14:24! Caleb loved God which allowed him to see what God saw there in that land. Our circumstances in life can overwhelm us without clear vision. Here's the key to clear vision! Always Always remember that even when we don't know what God is doing we can trust He knows what he is doing! Praise God that Moses was told there will be enemies in the valley! This reassures me God was not taken by surprise. God knew where, who & what he was sending his people into! All he wanted was for them to trust him. Caleb did....

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