Monday, May 31, 2010

The cost of Freedom

I was thinking while sitting in church yesterday as we watched video about veterans. The cost of the lives lost over the last century. You begin to realize that most of the lives lost were very young lives. It leads me to think not just of lost lives but lost potential too. What would these young people have accomplished in their lifetime?
The loss of life and potential is enough but then I began to think of the fact these young people could have possibly given their soul too (Matt 16:26). We can begin now praying earnestly that the young men and women serving around the world will find Christ. We need to convey to these young people that we admire their service to our country but we need to make sure they don't have to give their soul. I know that our government does all they can to prepare these young people physically and mentally to go to war. I just wish that there is some way we could prepare them spiritually too.

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