Tuesday, June 1, 2010

About Us

We all have visited websites and seen the tab that says "About us". We expect to be able to find quick info on the owners of the website and some background or their vision for the site. The more I thought about this little phrase "About us". I began thinking about our society today and how we can make everything "about us". It is so easy to wake up in the morning and climb out of bed and immediately think about our day and what WE want to accomplish for the day. I have to remind myself that it is never about what I want to accomplish today or even tomorrow. It is about what God wants to accomplish through us. If it is always about us we can never know if what we are doing for the Lord is really just that or what we want to do on behath of the Lord. It should never be about what we want to do for him but what he wants to do through and in us. We need to be sensitive to God's voice and direction. It is not always about right or wrong but what's best! God knows best (Jer 29:11)! Many times we don't (Prov 21:2).

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