Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The End of A Relationship

The people of Israel were set to leave Egypt. (Ex 13:17-22) They were marching out on God's terms. God led them around a possible confrontation with the Philistines (I Cor 10:13) because he knew the people of Israel would flee back to Egypt for protection if faced with war. They needed to learn that Egypt was not their protection but God was their protector. He led them to the Red Sea which looked to be a dead end and possible recapture by Egypt. The parting of the Red Sea was really the division of a relationship. God wanted to end the relationship between Israel and Egypt permanently. He knew they needed to leave their old life behind. Can we see a message for us here? When we accept Christ as our Savior we need to leave our old life behind which means we need to sever some relationships to do that. We need to practice this in our lives daily as our faith to solely depend on God grows. There will always be times in our christian life that we need to lay aside things that are preventing us from moving forward for the Lord. (Heb 12:1-2)

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