Saturday, February 14, 2009

How does Prayer bring Peace?

Phil 4:6-8

As I was read the passage above I realized prayer is not just asking God for things but it’s so much more than that. God says I tell you don’t worry but pray because the result of prayer is my peace which keeps (protects) your heart (from wrong feelings) & your mind (from wrong thoughts). God understands our human frailties and he knows when troubles come we can allow our thoughts and emotions to overcome us. Many times our trials are more perceived than real. The old saying perception is reality. I just know in my own life many times I even worry about things that could happen that may never even come about in real life. He wants us to trust him to have faith in him. Faith requires actions it is not a feeling. Prayer is that action! When we pray our feelings and thoughts are on our Lord and Savior not on the problem. It is on the problem solver. I am encouraged more than ever to pray knowing that through prayer I am keeping my heart (from wrong feelings) & keeping my mind (from wrong thoughts). It can also be applied to real not perceived trails that we do face in our lives. In day to day life the trails that we face can bring us down spiritually. How can the Lord tells us in verse 4 to rejoice when we are hurting in our lives? How can he tell us to think on good things and even name what to think about in verse 8? The key again is the protection prayer offers the center of our lives. God promises to keep our mind and heart if we pray. The daily battle in the Christian life starts and ends with the heart and mind. That's why it says God's Peace! The world can not give this kind of protection or peace.

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