Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tithing & The Stimulus Package

Matt 22:15-22 & Mal 3:8-12

Well our new President has put his own stamp on our economy with his new stimulus bill. The details are slowing leaking out about this bill. One of the details that catches my attention is the tax deduction of charitable giving. The reports are that this deduction will be removed for people making over certain amounts. The reporter said this will hurt charities all across the country including Churches. The passages listed above make it clear that the Lord wants us to pay our taxes and give our Tithe. The difference in the two is seen in the words "pay & give". Don't get me wrong the Lord is clear in Mal 3:8 that we are robbing God when we don't give but he wants us to be cheerful givers II Cor 9:7. We should not give to get a tax deduction this means we are giving for the wrong reason. The Lord makes it clear in Matt 22 he does not connect the two identities together. He said give each its due. When the government calculates taxes its off the top that's the least we can do for the Lord. I guess if the tax deduction was removed all together we might find our motives & faith tested even more. We are being encouraged even taught more and more to trust our government to take care of us. It all most seems like they are trying to take away the very thing that can take care of us as a nation. I want to remind myself and everyone else our trust is in the Lord so when or if the government decides to take away the deduction for charities we don't flinch and give in to fear. You see many people will begin to think in their minds if I am giving $100 and this change raises my taxes by $25 I will reduce my giving by $25 no big deal. It is a big deal because we are telling the Lord the government is bigger than you. I say pay the extra $25 and keep giving your $100 and trust the Lord.

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