Monday, May 18, 2009

A little Contamination means alot!

In a bible study recently we were studying I Cor 3:11-15 and we started out talking about how important our foundation is and that Christ is the one and only true foundation to the Christian life. The conversation then began to flow to our own efforts and what we place on the foundation. We discussed what we should be focused on to make sure that our work survived the test of fire. My mind went back to a story that was reported on the news that week. It seems that home owners across the nation decided to save money and bought drywall that was manufactured in China. The home owners were taken by surprise months later when their whole house was contaminated with some sort of gas that was coming from the board. It was so potent it begin to cause light fixtures, plumbing fixtures etc to corrode and even the owners we starting to feel ill. These homes had a solid foundation, well built framing and roof but one bad product contaminated the whole house. The lesson we should learn is yes there is no greater foundation than our Saviour but we need to be on guard to protect our lives from contamination. Prov 4:23!

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