Sunday, May 10, 2009

Miss California Dilemma

I sat back and watched how Hollywood has castigated Miss California for standing up for what she believed in. I have to admit I fall on her side when it comes to marriage and I have even written about the subject on my blog. We all find out what we really stand for when challenged like Carrie Prejean. The left will always fight for your right to say and do as you please as long as you agree with them on a particular subject. They do have the right to say as they please but so does Carrie Prejean. Carrie certainly proved what she was made of when she stood before a national audience and answered with her convictions knowing it would cost her dearly in the eyes of Hollywood. She had an eternal view that I hope all of us will have when we are challenged. I am a firm believer we are getting daily closer to our faith being challenged like never before. Let's prepare now and decide what we will do when our faith is questioned.

Late Update:
I am sure you have read about the pictures that are now coming out of Ms. Prejean. This is clearly is a tactic to water down her message on marriage. I don't agree with her posing for the pictures but this does not change the message of marriage. We should use this as a reminder that our life's testimony can water down our message. I pray we will pay close attention to our life's work so our message is not lost in the noise that the world can create.

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